Report Insights


📌 I was the main designer leading this project in Q2 2022 - Q1 2023 ideating early concepts, running design sprints, presenting regularly to leadership, and delivering final assets for production.

📌 I worked with multiple cross-functional teams that included 2 product managers, 6 engineers, and 1 designer.


Project Summary

Analysts on the customer side request data information on various topics, and our Premise CSOS (Customer Success Operations Specialists) team handles the Request for Information process through setting up forms, campaigns, and exporting data from multiple system applications to deliver a product in a format that customer analysts can include in their briefings.

This project aims to make our team members work easier by providing tools that enable rapid insight generation and delivery, thereby increasing the Request for Information process velocity. By doing so, we can improve our customer experience and meet their expectations in a timely manner.


Business problem

CSOS (Customer Success Operations Specialists) team is struggling to make fast and digestible product with analytical insights, and this leads to:

  • increase in time to produce and build deliverables products according to the customer’s specific needs, which is hindering our product’s scalability

  • customer disengagement and hesitant to collaborate with our team members during the report production because they feel overwhelmed with the amount of raw data from the tools we use


How CSOS produce insights today?

This flow involves multiple steps to plot locations from data onto a map in the final product. Here's a more detailed description of each step:


Overall, this flow involves converting coordinates, visualizing them on a map, and matching them with a photo to plot onto the final product. This process requires knowledge of GIS software and coordinate systems, as well as attention to detail to ensure the accurate placement of the locations on the final product.


Final product


How should a CSOS produce insights in the future?

Ideally, CSOS team shouldn’t be creating deliverable products across multiple platforms. Premise doesn’t currently have any sort of report insights builder, as well as an efficient way for customers to reach out to CSOS about their products. To overcome these issues, we proposed to create a seamless platform that could integrate with any data insight of the ecosystem, facilitating the growth and scalability of the report system across all Premise data insights.

This platform will serve as a centralized hub for our team to build analytical reports, and for customers to easily visualize and collaborate regardless of whether the needs and widgets such as images, texts, charts, maps, dashboards, etc. In our first round of outreach, we received immediate interest from CSOS, Customer Leaders, Global Ops Leaders and Client Analytics Leaders.

First ideation


Project Goals

  1. Create value for both CSOS and customers - decrease the CSOS team’s report build time from a 2-week duration to an efficient 2-day turnaround

  2. Streamline our data processing methods in order to provide a product that is easily understandable and actionable for our CSOS team and customers

  3. Address all possible concerns when moving from third party tools to Premise tools

  4. Ensure complete transparency and trust for both parties throughout the entire process in order to foster collaboration between them

  5. Use research to determine the appropriate priorities of the product and users




Key Focus Areas

  • Will CSOS use our tool over other third party tools?

  • Does CSOS think it will save them time and make their job easier?

  • Is CSOS able to create reports easily and intuitively?

  • What’s the range of potential use cases for CSOS across different customers?

  • Will customers want to collaboratively work on reports with CSOS?


Cross-functional workshop across PM, CSOS, Designers, and Engineers


Design Principles


Design Iterations: Learning from users

I went through the following steps:

  1. Identify which team would have the most pressing need for reports, set up syncs and briefings with leaders

  2. High-fidelity designs - bring what we can offer to the table, as well as a hypothesis for how reports would benefit and improve their product

  3. Receive feedback on the designs as to what is relevant, what is missing, what else they’d like to see

  4. Update designs, and plan out the MVP and ideal state phases and specifications



Aesthetic and minimalist design: our existing reports creation process is for power users. Simplify the designs to not overwhelm the CSOS and customers who are unfamiliar with raw data content experience.

Consistency and standards: I received feedback from other teams on how patterns differ from theirs. I modified my designs to stay consistent with their standards components.

Constraints: We received feedback from users expressing a desire for advanced features and functionalities. However, due to technical constraints, I was unable to include these features in the final design. These constraints included limitations in available resources and software, which made it impossible to implement certain features without negatively impacting the user experience or system stability.


MVP Design (currently being built)

After several more rounds of reviews with stakeholders, we determined the best path forward for the MVP stage.

We’re offering a very limited set of features to a small number of CSOS that will enable report insights creation. After this phase, a more comprehensive design will be released to a larger group after additional research and testing.


MVP Prototype


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